Monday, February 6, 2012

Thursday, Feb 2nd

Today was a usual critique of our studies. We hung our studies on the wall and started to take a look, scan the room and mark what we thought worked as a display face with the rest of the composition, and what we thought didn't work.

Only a few actually worked
Reason- each type face has a different consignation. Be mindful what type you use and for what reason
Relationships and Proportions
Almost there, but not quite
Some display faces were for reading, and not for a display face.
Some copy/text faces were for display and not reading

After we collected the good ones and the bad ones we took the inbetweenies in the middle, or the ones people thought did not deserve to be in that pile. Picked one other than our own, and headed off to the work room to try and fix what was wrong about it to make it right. I personally did not try to fight for mine, even though I had two studdies in the pile. I only had one mark on it that made it in the pile and that wasn't enough to make a difference.

I ended up touching up Javier's study, and didnt' do too much though. I felt it was done really well already and the only reason it was in the pile because he was one to want to fight for his study in there. Fixed some alignment problems and went back to critique. This critique was the most interesting however, Dorian set it up so that it was like an internship, and we had to chose one to continue for production. Really cool that Javier and I were chosen for our study to continue. We learned a pretty cool lesson on how it is tough to fight for art, and how to defend on why we do things. 

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