Monday, April 30, 2012

Final Day of Class, Critique

Final Projects!

So day was the last day of class, the day everyone was to critique and present their final projects. My partner had to already go home for the summer, so he skyped in to help present! It was pretty funny, and Dorian took this awesome photo of us I snagged off of facebook! VVV
So our final project idea was to take something digital, something organic, and combine it to show a new perspective of the place we chose to study and the place we chose to present. The place I went, the farmers market, was very organic with a lot of hand typography as well as a lot of textures that was mostly of fruit and vegetables. To best translate the farmers market and the experience I had, we took what we had learned throughout the progress of our in class work, and our out of class work, combine it all together to show this concept, the concept of:

A digitalized world through presenting in class, combined with the organic nature of the farmers market, we decided to project digitalized typography layered in an composition mixed in with the original, textures, made digitalized by the combination in photoshop, and then add another layer of complexititly by digitalization in Cinema 4D by the animation of that composition, and finally bringing it back into the texture of a truly organic orange, from the farmers market itself. Layers and layers of manulipation of this object, as in a metaphorical process that fruits and vegetables go through today to be sold in the grocery stores...

...It was an undeniable concept that came from the must haves of projection of image onto a screen in our major and a unique way of twisting that deliverable into one that better represented our environment. Taking a organic place and representing that digitally, without loosing the true texture that was the true characteristic of the environment, along with the texture of the rich background audio you would of heard if you were there. 

Animated Projection:

test_forprojection from Alexis Copeland on Vimeo.

In presentation, we went in with the idea of setting up a studio environment, placing the orange in the scene, and projecting this animation onto the orange in hopes that you would see this orange transform before your eyes in accordance to the rich audio. With no time to test this projection out, we were left with a projection that was not contrasted enough because of the type of projection we used, or any at that. Hopefully our concept will be significant enough to prove this as a project that is worthy of a great grade, especially when this final project is more about the concept, rather than the final project.

Learning from this, I really hope to take this approach in the future of motion design. This is the type of concepts and ideas worthy of museums and galleries, and that's what i'm more interested in rather than commercial work. I love the idea of multiple layers of manulipation that is finally unraveled and thrown out just to give back and represent in it's true form, only with my interpretation of it. It's almost art for arts sake, and I love that.

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